Product List
General Fill (Rock & Dirt Fill) – $19.75/ton (Out of Stock)
General Fill is mainly used to fill areas where land needs to be raised or areas where large holes need to be filled at a fraction of the cost. This item is a rock and dirt fill where there is no particular size or ratio to rock and dirt, rocks may vary in size.

Pit Run (Crusher Raw Material) – $22.75/ton
Pit run like General fill is used to fill larger areas or to level or raise land. However, unlike general fill it’s mainly made up of broken rock with minimal amount of dirt. Pit Run is mainly what we process in our crushing plant. Pit Run is sized from 36″ and smaller. Pit run will need to be moved with some type of heavy equipment. Please make sure with your contractor if using any of these two items that this is what the job requires.
6″ Minus – $24.25/ton
The most common and most readily used of the fills. Smaller equipment maybe used to handle this material such as mini excavators and skid steers.

2 1/2″ Base Course – $25.25/ton
Also commonly referred to as 2 ½ Select Borrow or 2 ½” minus, it is 2 ½” rocks down to fines. Most times used as fill or a compatible base layer in areas where 6″ minus is too large.
1 1/2″ Base Course – $ 26.50/ton
Also commonly referred to as 1 ½” minus, it is 1 ½” rocks down to fines It can be used as a second layer on top of 6″ minus or 2 1/2″ Base course under a house pad or can be used for driveways, parking areas or leveling areas where not much material is needed.
3/4 Base Course – $27.50/ton
3/4 Base Course or 3/4 minus is 3/4 size rocks all the way down to fines/sand. It is mainly for compaction and generally used for a base under asphalt or concrete applications or as a finished layer on larger size base course. Can be used for driveways or parking area applications but is not a wear material so overtime rocks will need to be reapplied depending on the amount of traffic. Base course is not recommended for areas of water run offs or areas with mud.
S4C (1/2″ Minus) – $29.00/ton
S4C is ½” rocks down to fines and compacted in layers. It is commonly used as a pipe cushion for metal and PVC pipes. Please check with local building codes for updates on suitable pipe cushion as building codes are often updated.
Concrete Agg Mix – $33.75/ton
Concrete Agg Mix is a pre-blended material where in which all the homeowner needs to add is Portland cement and water. Our mix is blended at 60/40 ratio, 60% sand and 40% rock. However, different jobs may require the finish to be more coarse or fine, in that case, more sand or more rock may need to be added to this mix in order to achieve the mason’s final preference. Please check with your contractor on what they require. With this blend, you will achieve the 3/2/1 ratio which is 3 parts sand to 2 parts rock and 1 part cement. Depending on the strength of the final product please check with building codes or contractor different jobs require different strengths.
2-1/2″ Drain Rock (Size #2) – $30.75/ton
Also referred to as 2-1/2″ wash or clean rock, it is crushed rock ranging from 3″ to 3/8″. There are no fines in this material and will not compact unlike base course. This material is used in areas of water run offs, may be used to fill leech fields, landscaping and areas where mud exists on driveways and parking areas. 1 1/2″ Drain Rock may also be used in the same manner.
1 1/2″ Drain Rock (Size #4) – $30.75/ton
1 1/2″ Drain rock or often called clean or wash rock. Sizes range from 1 1/2″ to 3/8″ with no sand in the product. It is often used in areas with mud or areas affected by water run-off or settling. Product is often used for driveways, parking or landscape.
#3B Fine (Size #67) – $31.25/ton
Also referred to as 3/4″ clean or wash, 3B Fine or 3/4″ drain rock, it is crushed rock ranging from 7/8″ to 3/16″. Most common uses would be for landscaping, driveways and parking areas, areas with existing mud, and water run-off.
#3B Landscape (Size #5) – $33.25 per ton
Uniform 3/4 Rock with no chips or sand, its primary use is landscape such as Japanese Rock Gardens. We do not recommend this product other than the sole purpose of landscaping.
#8B Chips – $31.25/ton
Most commonly referred to as pea gravel it is crushed rock ranging from ½” to 3/16”.
#4 Sand – $50.00/ton
Most typical applications for #4 Sand is mixing concrete. It is also used for the dress layer or the cushion layer for water catchment liners and with new building codes. It is the only material that can be used as pipe cushion for copper and ABS piping. Please check with local building codes for updates on suitable pipe cushion as building codes are often updated.
1-2 Man Rock (12″-24″ Stone Wall Rock) – $42.00/ton
Most popular use is the building of a rock wall. The rocks are made from larger boulders broken down to sizes ranging from 12″ to 24″ but there will be other smaller rocks mixed in when loading from a front end loader, so keep in mind if you are looking for specific rocks, you must come down and hand pick them to meet your wall needs. Also when loading from a front end loader, it is hard to know how many of one or the other you will receive, so please keep in mind if you need a certain size its best to come and hand select your own.

Boulders – $42.00/ton
Boulders range in a variety of sizes and shapes. We have many to choose from in our quarry. They are most often used as the centerpiece in a rock garden or as accents to your landscape design. When you decide that you need a boulder, please make sure you bring your hard hat with you and some type of marking ribbon that way we know that boulder is reserved for you. This is one of those items that you have to see it in order for you to know if it will work for your project.

Rip Rap (4″-12″) – $30.75/ton – Out of Stock
Rip Rap is stones ranging from 4″ – 12″ there is no sand in this product. Often used for rock or retaining walls.

Rip Rap (2″-6″) – $30.75/ton
Stones ranging from 2″ – 6″.

Pepeekeo Top Soil – $47.00/ton
This top soil is from the Hamakua coast from the old sugar plantation. Great for gardening and planting.
Cinder Soil – $55.00/ton
Is a blend of the Pepeekeo top soil mixed with black and red cinders for aeration. Also great for gardening and planting and is already blended at a 50/50 ratio.
Cinder (1.5” Minus Black) – $62.00/ton or
(3/8” Minus Red) – $52.00/ton
A byproduct of lava, cinders is a light airy material that has many uses for landscaping to potted plants. Red Cinder is significantly heavier than black cinder.
Mac Nut Compost – Not Available in 2024
Used in addition with top soil or cinder soil, it is something that every farmer or home gardener should have. It is made up of mac nuts husks and other vegetation from the mac nut fields which then composted for a year’s time in some cases longer and yields a dark rich black color full of nutrients for your plants and vegetables.